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Online Medication Refill

Same-Day Rx Made Easy

Don't let distance or time constraints hold you back from taking charge of your health. Consult with our licensed practitioners and refill a prescription online without delay. They will first verify your condition, medication, and dosage before issuing the Rx refill. We cover lapses in your medication caused by:

  • Lost medications
  • Travel or relocation
  • Interruptions in primary care
  • Out of meds before next appointment
  • Other problems obtaining a timely prescription

No more waiting in long lines at the pharmacy or worrying about running out of essential medications. Get easy, quick and affordable emergency prescription refills.

N.B. Oral steroids and restricted medications do not fall under our refill program.

Online prescription renewal

Select Your Refill

Our licensed practitioners are ready to help with your Rx refill needs for any current symptoms or antibiotics/antiviral requests.

3 Easy Steps

Rx refills made easy. We quickly prescribe refills for many of your everyday medications after our physician determine whether the requested refill is appropriate.

how it works
Fill Questionnaire

Answer a few questions related to your health, billing, and pharmacy.

how it works
Quick Evaluation

Our licensed MTM pharmacists will review if your medication qualifies for a refill.

how it works
Pay & Collect

A prescription for supply of your medication will be sent to the pharmacy.

Refund Policy:

Our consultation fee is non-refundable. However, we may refund if a health care practitioner doesn’t provide you with a treatment plan or if you cancel the online consultation (terms and conditions apply.)

Contact our customer support representative to confirm whether or not you are entitled to the refund.


Medicines Aren’t Included In Consultation Fee!

We only charge for online medical consultations. You need to pay the pharmacy to get your medicines.

Pay Per Visit:

There is no contract or monthly subscriptions. Just pay your consultation fee on each visit. You can also submit a consultation form for another person (your friend or family member.)

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